
This is a personal blog of Qi An. I'm currently (Oct 2023) a Ph.D. student struggling with my thesis on a cancer classification model based on DNA methylation data, and job searching in a general data science setting.

I currently locate myself in Heidelberg, Germany. Before, I have lived in Atlanta and Shanghai. You can find more details of my previous experience here.

I will drop some random thoughts here, mostly in Chinese (if I don't find it embarrassing).

Name of the blog

The name of this blog comes from a very adorable fictional character created by the Grande Julio Cortázar in his 1962 novel, Historias de cronopios y de famas.

According to wikipedia:

In general, cronopios are depicted as naive and idealistic, disorganized, unconventional and sensitive creatures.

I highly appreciate each and every adjective that appeared here.